One of the last challages I´ve faced has been dyed a blanket. The colour was very complicated because it was neither green or blue, it was a mix, to get the tone I desired without being able to test on the fabric has been very difficult, it has been very satisfactory. The colour was quite able and full satisfaction of muy client.
En las siguientes fotografías podeis observar el tono de la mantilla y del trozo de tela del vestido de mi clienta. Para lograr el tono, tuve que mezclar distintas proporciones de tintes y el tiempo que estuvo la mantilla en contacto con el tinte fue cronometrado, para lograr la tonalidad.
In the followingpictures you can see the tone of the blanket and the piece of fabric of the dress of my client.To achive the tone I have to mix differents amounts of dyes and the time the blanket was in contact with the dye, it was timed to achieve the key.
Igualmente fue el secado, que tuvo que ser a la sombra y en plano para que no se deformara la mantilla, a continuación tuve que darle un poco de apresto a la hora del planchado para que quedara con el tacto y cuerpo habitual de la mantilla.
Algo bastante importante para teñir una mantilla de forma satisfactoria, dicha mantilla ha de ser blanca o beig claro, Esta era blanco roto.
Y como os he dicho el resultado fue bastante bueno.
It was also dying, which had been shade and lying on plain so as not deform the blanket, continue I had to give it a little primer when the ironing to have the usual soft blanket.
SAomething important to succefully dye a blanket, it must be white or light beige. This was off-white.
And I said the result was very good.